Friday 18 March 2011

narration script

Suicide is Horrific...
in human?
you think its cool
you just having a laugh?
see who's laughing as it crawls its way down your throat
to fester in your lungs
we don't laugh...
we watch you rot..
we hear the children cry...

(very dark poem, created entirely by me)

Thursday 17 March 2011

end cemetery scene

in the end scene i adapted the Earth zoom and shatterize tutorials from so that they worked with motion video as aposed to just stills...

the earth zoom principles where used to zoom out of the grave...
where as the shatterize tutorial was the basis of how i disintegrated the ghost.

during the shattering of the ghost i utilised the time line offset sequencer script supplied by Andrew Kramer during the shatterize tutorial.


Throughout my video there is a theme of babys crying. I decided to go for this mostly for shock value. as humans we are designed to respond to the cries of a baby, this is an anti-smoking add and i need people to pay attention!

"we hear the children crying" also ties in with grieving over the loss of somebody, and causes guilt, as nobody wants to be responsible for the tears of there loved ones especially not the children they know...
also by bringing children into the equation, it brings about a sense or mortality and the value of life.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


all audio that i did not create completely from scratch was edited from audio clips found at:
all of which are free to use under the creative commons plus 1.0 licence.

All audio was edited using Adobe Soundbooth.

I used a fire crackling sound clip for the sound of the black things crawling down the throat as i thought it sounded like lots of little critters crawling...

the baby sound and the narration was created by overlaying the same audio clip but changing the pitches so they don't quite lie right.

further videos will be submitted on dvd, but this one was small enough to fit on my blog. this was an experiment to do with windshield shattering.

I created these lungs for use in my video in adobe photoshop, i used a paper texture photograph to help make it. this photograph was supplied by computer arts magazine and is available to use under the creative commons agreement.

when i animated the lungs i was inspired by the "oogie boogie' portion of The Nightmare Before Christmas film, its different from the rest of the advert and is very illuminated, the intention being that the quoted text that goes with it, is better remembered.
tutorials I used to educate me on my way to building my motion graphics video are; in an attempt to show the smoke travelling through the body to the lungs, combined with the expressions controls found in
e.g. x=thisComp.layer("particle source").transform.position[0]-thisComp.width/2;

postion [0] (represents the x value or the null object)
possition [1] is the Y
and position [2] is z"

this was to get the particles to fallow the null object. (expression writted by andrew Krammer from video copilot.)

i fallowed but unfortunately could not complete it which was extremely frustrating. for the car hit at the beginning of the video. i used inspiration from this video frequently to patch up mistakes in the raw footage etc. but much of this didn't make the final cut. i was going to use to zoom out after the glass field effect but it didnt really fit well in the end. so i didn't bother completing it using my own maps.